About Me

I’m Robyn. I have a BA in History from the University of Montana and a Master of Divinity from The General Theological Seminary of The Episcopal Church.

In 2013 Griz (my Norwegian Elkhound mix) and I moved to from Montana USA to Alberta Canada.  Which would be a lot less impressive sounding without the international border, it’s about a ten hour drive with stops.  I moved for a job in the Diocese of Edmonton and fell in love with Canada, both for the socialized healthcare and the ease of finding decent tea.  It is also where I met and married my husband then we  bought a house and adopted two cats.  (I have many opinions about immigration and slight anxiety about government paperwork these days.)

The sermons posted here have been preached in different locations, to different congregations, and increasingly over a long period of years.  Insofar as any one sermon can, I hope that in them I have done the work of attempting to share the Good News of God in Christ for the people who heard them then and now.  What I write here is not on behalf of my parish, diocese, or denomination.


2 thoughts on “About Me

  1. Hi Robyn:

    Nice to meet you and enjoying your blog. I have long wanted to learn to do this thing called “blog”, so I did sign up today to do this. You are an inspiration and I am looking forward to meeting you (well, I am REALLY, REALLY looking forward to meeting your DOG). I left you an email regarding the church and am looking forward to hearing from you and meeting you (REALLY:). Don’t know what that third http:// is nor do I know how to delete it…do you know what it means???

  2. Robyn,
    This is Janis Johnson from GTS. Your blog came up as a similar blog to mine…which is a stretch! I have a blog entitled, http://www.DizzyingGrace.com, which is about the relationship between faith and illness. It is a long story, but I had to retire due to a disability/illness. I remember you from GTS and graduated probably two years before you. When I graduated, I went to a tiny parish in eastern Oregon, much to my surprise. I was an Episcopal priest and Lutheran pastor…made me wish I would have attended those Lutheran worship services at GTS!
    Anyway, God bless your ministry in Edmonton. I actually know someone who lives there who is definitely not Episcopalian, but a great person.
    Take care Robyn. I love your site!

    GTS 2006

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