SR: Touch and Taste and See, Easter 2 2014

Link: Touch and Taste and See, Easter 2 2014

Summary of what I was saying and why:
I love this story. At the second service we had an Easter Festival of Readings and Praise, so this was meant to be a brief sermon.

Theology: Eucharistic
Jesus Count: average
Good News: Taste and see that the Lord is good.

What did I change on my feet?
This was all off a fairly rough outline. So I didn’t so much change things as flesh them out.
What didn’t work/what did I miss?
If I’d spent more time writing this out I think I’d have done a better set up for ‘taste and see that the Lord is good.”
What did work?
Ending with the line from the psalm, which is also used in the Eucharistic prayer. Loved that.

Other sermons I liked:

Priest Baum, Easter 2
“Jesus met the cowering disciples on a Sunday morning where they were: locked in a room, and fearing to proclaim their faith to the world outside. Jesus met Thomas the unbeliever on a Sunday morning where he was: stuck in a trap of being unable to believe, and facing a life of isolation because of unbelief. And in both cases, Jesus declared peace, brought courage and faith, and prepared them to turn the world upside down through their proclamation.”

Priest Downs, Trusting Us, a simple act of faith
“This is why the faith matters. The doubt Jesus rejects is the kind that doesn’t allow us to forgive.”

Bishop Fisher, Unexcused Absence
“I would rather that we focus on the invitation of Jesus to believe, even when we mess up and when we skip out on the resurrection the first time.”

(Here’s the list of people I usually listen to. Am I missing someone?)
The Anglican Church of Canada uses the Roman Ordinary Time numbering system instead of numbering the Propers. Because all of this is new to me, I’m now indicating both numbering systems.

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An Anglican/Episcopal priest, bibliophile, dog owner, and Montanan

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